[Haifux] Refreshments

boazg boaz.gezer at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 16:55:48 MSK 2011

decent point. i retract my claim and would be happy to chip in.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 15:33, Shachar Shemesh <shachar at shemesh.biz> wrote:

> On 06/01/11 14:49, boazg wrote:
>> a small budget for members is nice. however i don't like the idea of
>> bribing people to show up at haifux.
> This isn't a bribe. It is a method to get people who are otherwise only
> marginally interested into the area. It's marketing. Only a small percentage
> will come because of the refreshments, and only a small percentage of those
> will stay, but still.
>  the club is by us, for us.
> Yes, but who is this "us" you are talking about? The real question is how
> to have more of "us" than there currently are.
>  we have different platforms to spread the word. i therefore oppose the
>> chipping in on principle.
> You oppose to "us" chipping in so that "us" will have more to eat?
> Shachar
> --
> Shachar Shemesh
> Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.
> http://www.lingnu.com
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