[Haifux] Where were the organizers?

Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda ladypine at gmail.com
Tue May 11 07:36:56 MSD 2010

Hello all,

Indeed, I intended to arrive, and I have even had a key during the last two
semesters (but not before that - we managed without for years, as explained
before). However, I was unable to come on the last minute.

I am sorry there was nobody there who knew Moti should be contacted. This
indeed will be fixed in the future as a part of the regular
lecturer-inviting protocol.


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 4:45 AM, Eli Billauer <eli at billauer.co.il> wrote:

> Hello,
> Since I've been seen presenting the speaker in some talks, and sometimes
> even made sure the projector is available (even though I don't have the key
> myself), and I sometimes announce lectures, I suppose some people will
> consider myself as an organizer. But the truth is, that Haifux has been
> running for quote a few years without appointing anyone to "organize" the
> event. Exactly as in the free software world, the slots have been filled by
> whoever was there to fill them.
> I'm sorry to hear about today's mishap. It's a truly rare event, and it
> looks like the shortcircuit lies somewhere between myself and Orna.
> Personally, I had other things on my mind, and I actually wasn't aware that
> anything was planned for today. One lesson to learn is that a lecture
> announced on the same day is a bad omen.
> A second bad omen is when you're going to give a lecture, and you have no
> phone number whatsoever to call in case something goes wrong (stuck on the
> road, for example). It's actually true for any kind of appointment one
> makes.
> Please keep in mind that the only dedicated staff in any lecture, is the
> speaker himself (or herself). Arriving at a lecture expecting that
> everything has been fixed by just somebody is a bit of a gambling. It works
> almost always, but this time, it just didn't. And allow me to say, as
> someone who has delivered professional courses, that the same rule applies
> in the "real world".
> Having said all this, I'd still like to apologize for the inconvenience.
> The few of us involved will make sure this will not happen again.
>  Eli
> --
> Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda.
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