[Haifux] Where were the organizers?

Maxim Kovgan kovganm at gmail.com
Tue May 11 08:22:33 MSD 2010

I think a good idea is to set up a "chain of command" as people do in the
It is also a good thing from organizational perspective.
This chain of command should work with the faculty people (Moti or Alex or
whoever), and not every willing lecturer.

If the obliged representative is not able to arrive they *has to* ping the
next in the chain,
to at least make sure the door is open and for *the right* people  (there
are also some faculty security aspects - equipment had been stolen in the

of course: IMHO.


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda
<ladypine at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello all,
> Indeed, I intended to arrive, and I have even had a key during the last two
> semesters (but not before that - we managed without for years, as explained
> before). However, I was unable to come on the last minute.
> I am sorry there was nobody there who knew Moti should be contacted. This
> indeed will be fixed in the future as a part of the regular
> lecturer-inviting protocol.
> Orna.
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 4:45 AM, Eli Billauer <eli at billauer.co.il> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Since I've been seen presenting the speaker in some talks, and sometimes
>> even made sure the projector is available (even though I don't have the key
>> myself), and I sometimes announce lectures, I suppose some people will
>> consider myself as an organizer. But the truth is, that Haifux has been
>> running for quote a few years without appointing anyone to "organize" the
>> event. Exactly as in the free software world, the slots have been filled by
>> whoever was there to fill them.
>> I'm sorry to hear about today's mishap. It's a truly rare event, and it
>> looks like the shortcircuit lies somewhere between myself and Orna.
>> Personally, I had other things on my mind, and I actually wasn't aware that
>> anything was planned for today. One lesson to learn is that a lecture
>> announced on the same day is a bad omen.
>> A second bad omen is when you're going to give a lecture, and you have no
>> phone number whatsoever to call in case something goes wrong (stuck on the
>> road, for example). It's actually true for any kind of appointment one
>> makes.
>> Please keep in mind that the only dedicated staff in any lecture, is the
>> speaker himself (or herself). Arriving at a lecture expecting that
>> everything has been fixed by just somebody is a bit of a gambling. It works
>> almost always, but this time, it just didn't. And allow me to say, as
>> someone who has delivered professional courses, that the same rule applies
>> in the "real world".
>> Having said all this, I'd still like to apologize for the inconvenience.
>> The few of us involved will make sure this will not happen again.
>>  Eli
>> --
>> Web: http://www.billauer.co.il
> --
> Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda.
> http://ladypine.org
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Maxim Kovgan
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