[Haifux] GIMP workshop(s): Any interest?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 11:54:22 MSD 2008

2008/9/12 Dave Roi <davidroi at gmail.com>:
> I think the more important issue here is the fact that we, as a more
> technically inclined user group, are having such a hard time using it, how
> do we expect the simple windows user to do so?
> Maybe we should summarize all the problems we are having with it and open
> them as usability bugs.
> Just a thought, no intension of opening a flame war :-)

I agree that usability reports should be filed when applicable.
However, as a user with no background in image processing, I find
Photoshop to be just as difficult to use in the rare instances when I
need to do something.

Dotan Cohen



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