[Haifux] SVN quota

Maxim Kovgan kovganm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 10:56:47 MSK 2010

hi Shahar!
A possible solution if your svn repository is stored on a filesystem could be
a "pre-commit hook" script, that would basically:
 * check user's/project's repository quota against filesystem
 * act accordingly to the result, upon:
   * OK - do commit
   * Warning (quota threshold reached) - print the result, and commit
   * Quota exceeded - print the result and NOT commit
Of course take care of the return values of the script properly.
The script may even send an email to the user, if you have email in NIS.

I do not know how different SVN clients would respond to the
non-standard messages in the output of SVN client.
This is what you will have to check for yourself.


2010/1/18 Shahar Dag <dag at cs.technion.ac.il>:
> Hello
> I have a LINUX server (RHE 4) that among other things serves as SVN server
> (the SVN server runs over apache).
> Users can access their repository via https, but they can't login to the
> server (not even with ssh).
> To access the SVN, users must supply their NIS user name & password.
> Every SVN repository has it's own quota limitation.
> The question is: do SVN users have any way to test their quota?
> (I don't want to write a cron job that warns the users when they are over
> 80% of the quota)
> Thanks
> Shahar
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Maxim Kovgan

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