[Haifux] [HAIFUX LECTURE] Packaging in Debian - Ohad Lutzky

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Sun Aug 29 16:38:30 MSD 2010

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 01:56:19PM +0200, Eli Billauer wrote:
>  TOMORROW, August 30th at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear Ohad Lutzky  
> talk about:
> Packaging in Debian
> Debian is one of the more popular Linux distributions, well-known for  
> its excellent package management. Debian has also been known to be the  
> base for many other distributions, such as knoppix and ubuntu. In this  
> lecturre I will show how to build packages, how to build repositories,  
> how to version-control the whole thing by example of git, as well as a  
> short overview of the extensive documentation available on the subject.

I see nobody was interested in my off-topic suggestion, so, here it is

I normally don't get to come to lectures. I suppose I'll come to this
one. I realised that in all the Haifus meetings I don't recall anybody
asking me to sign a OpenPGP key. Nor have I asked anyone to sign my

I thus figured it might be a good idea to set-up key signing. After all,
we are relatively well-connected. So, if you have an existing key, and
you want it to be signed by others in the lecture tommorow:

1. (Prefferebly) send me the (public) key (gpg --export KEY_ID).
2. Bring a printed copy of the key's ID (gpg --fingerprint KEY_ID)
   2.1. Maybe bring multiple copies of it in case (1) fails.
        See e.g. gpg-key2ps in the package siging-party (Debian/Ubuntu)
3. Brind a valid ID card (or driver's license or whatever, Should
   identify you, and include a photo).

If you have no idea what I'm  talking about:
* Look it up. 
* http://cryptnet.net/fdp/crypto/keysigning_party/en/keysigning_party.html
* If there's enough interest, well:

> The next slot on September 13th is still vacant! This could be YOUR  
> talk. Don't miss the opportunity!

(I'm not sure I can make such a lecture. Anybody?)

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                    |  best
tzafrir at debian.org    |                    | friend
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