[Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 14:03:19 MSD 2010

> If you would like to have other means of communicating the current
> "target", please let me know by private email.

Orr, we should _not_ all write to the websites at once! It will be
obvious that a small group of zealots is "targeting" them.

Rather, it should appear to the sites that there are genuine problems
that regularly affect everyday users. We should coordinate so that
each site gets a letter from a different user every week, and don't
even mention the browser or OS in the initial contact letter. I will
gladly volunteer to coordinate this: interested users should
"register" with me, and once a week (not always on the same weekday) I
will send to them the address of a site to write to. That will ensure
a steady flow of non-related complaints: a tactic that is much more
effective than 5 complains all at once.

I presented this idea before, and advocates such as Shlomi Fish from
Linux-IL showed interest. I will organize everything now, and come to
the meeting prepared.

Dotan Cohen


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