[Haifux] Me Volunteering to Give a Presentation

guy keren choo at actcom.co.il
Tue Sep 8 22:24:15 MSD 2009

Orr Dunkelman wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Dotan Cohen<dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Haifux is what we make of it. "We" are the people who attend the meetings.
>> With that I could agree!
> "We, the people" is a lovely statement. Google the rest.
>> I have no problem with this, in fact as a largely silent "member" of
>> Haifux I do not expect that it would matter even if I did have a
>> problem! However, I felt it right to point out to Shlomi from which
>> perspective his lecture would be most parallel with what I perceive
>> Haifux to be.
> Yes. Haifux is indeed one of these concepts. If you think Haifux is a
> Guava, then Haifux is a Guava (so does the zionism, btw).
>>> BTW, when Haifux was founded in 1999 by guy keren and Orr Dunkelman,
>>> it was not based on a LUG but on LUPG - Little Unix Programmers Group:
>>> http://users.actcom.co.il/~choo/lupg/
>> I see no mention of Haifux on that page, nor of that page on the
>> Haifux site. Therefore, one could not deduce the Little Unix
>> Programmers Group moniker from publicly- available Haifux information.
>> I will however quote the opening lines of the Haifux website:
>> "The Haifa Linux Club is a home for Linux users and programmers in the
>> Haifa area. Haifux stands for Haifa Linux Users Group."
>> So, while you are correct that the group is made for programmers as
>> well as users, I still contend that the name implies users as the main
>> audience. Despite that, being that programmers are specifically
>> mentioned in who the group is for, a lecture aimed at programmers
>> would in fact be appropriate for the group.
> Well, this is mentioned once in a while (especially when we discuss
> the "charter" of haifux).
> But fear not!
> We the People of Haifux, in Order to form a more perfect LUG,
> establish clux, ensure domestic Open Sourceness, provide for the
> common creatives, promote the general Welfare, and secure the
> Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and
> establish this Constitution for the Haifa Linux User Group.
> (and starting from this day onward, let it be known that Guy Keren is
> our founding father).

and that makes you - what? the founding mother? ;)

but to get to the point - what dotan is saying could be translated to 
"perhaps SiL (Staying in Linux) should be re-incarnated?"


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