[Haifux] Me Volunteering to Give a Presentation

Shlomi Fish shlomif at iglu.org.il
Tue Sep 8 17:55:33 MSD 2009

On Monday 07 September 2009 08:42:22 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > It seems most people so far prefer CMake. However, the reason I'm giving
> > it is because Constantine here (CCed to this message) volunteered to
> > prepare it together with me, and then to give it to Telux. So thank
> > Constantine for standing up as our victim^W volunteer.
> I would be interested in cmake from a user's point of view, not from a
> developer's point of view. That means that in the instances where I am
> forced to compile software, what options are available such as install
> directories, processor options, etc.

Well, this is mostly covered by the CMake man page, the online cmake help, and 
the cmake-gui program, and it's not particularly interesting unless something 
breaks. I suppose I can write a blog post about it.

> Remember, LUG is Linux _User_ Group, so I think that the lectures
> should focus on the users.

Well, a LUG is indeed a Linux Users' Group, but many Linux users are also 
developers. In UNIX and FOSS, the distinction between users and developers is 
somewhat blurred, because people can download the source (or in the case of 
languages that are not compiled to binaries, even look at it and debug it 
directly), modify it and send back changes to the core devs. Furthermore, I'm 
not really a developer of CMake itself - I just use it to develop build 
systems. So while I'm a developer of various programs that use CMake for its 
configuration and build system, I'm only a CMake user.

Well, I guess we can go on in this vain. In any case, many LUGs I've ran into 
have presentations intended for developers. But if someone wants to give a 
presentation about how to use Firefox, OpenOffice.org, VirtualBox, FileZilla, 
or some other program, he'll be more than welcome.


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Understand what Open Source is - http://shlom.in/oss-fs

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