[Haifux] W2L + Installation party?

Tzafrir Rehan tzafrir.r at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 20:05:28 MSD 2008

> One additional point - almost all of the linux adoptation I've seen in the
> Technion works like this: People see it, use it for a course, avoid it for a
> (geometrically distributed) while, then decide to install it (by themselves.
> All of the adopters I've seen are perfectly capable of performing a google
> search for the distribution they've seen, burning an ISO, and hitting "next"
> a couple of times). They seek a guru (or ask on the forums) for some help,
> are given a pointer in the general direction, and are happy. Sometimes they
> come seeking more help for tougher issues (laptop doesn't enter
> suspend-to-RAM properly, cablemodem issues, or they decided to go to a
> bleeding-edge version, broke a few things, and are interested in knowing how
> to fix them without going back to a stable version). I move that
> instaparties, at least in the Technion context, are obsolete.

I second that observation. Many people in my semester came to me with
questions about linux (all of them ubuntu). I didn't have to install it
myself for ANY of them, they all figured it out by themselves (the hardest
part in installing ubuntu is managing to click Jerusalem, and not Amman or

There were some, though, that needed help with various post install issues -
wireless cards mostly that don't work properly, how to do this and that,
what cool stuff can I show them.

I say, if anyone is eager to arrange a physical event, make it a support
party. If someone wants to come and get help installing in that event, we
can help them, but the focus of the event should be a wider range of things
that we can help with by being physically there.
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