[Haifux] Lecture proposal : how Ethernet works ?

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Wed Feb 6 11:42:25 MSK 2008

On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 09:25:43AM +0200, Shahar Dag wrote:
> Hi Near
> I will be glade to here such lecture.
> It will be grate if you explain a bit about how to use ethereal.
> Please noteice that sniffing of the cs network might not be welcomed by the 
> system team of cs

No sniffing of the network allowed (at lecture time)? So it's not as

I guess that the alternatuve is to build our own network for

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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