- Linux is a multi-User system, allowing many Users to work on the same
machine at once.
- As such, we need mechanisms to separate between Users - so one User won't
stumble on the work of another User.
- And then we will need mechanisms which will allow Users to share their
- Users, Processes and Permissions are the way to handle that.
- Note: during this lecture, we will show examples on a live
system. The examples are NOT detailed in the slides.
Once again, remember what sets off "the hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy"
from "the encyclopedia Galactica": It has, written on its top, the
phrase: Don't Panic!
- Users are identified by a User id - a number.
- User ID '0' is "root" - the all-powerful administrator.
- Objects in the system (Processes, Files) are attached to Users.
- Everything else stems from that.
- All Users are defined in the file "/etc/passwd".
- Each User should have a line in this file.
- (Yet, one can create files belonging to Users not found in this file).
- A line in this file is split into fields using the ':' character:
- User Name
- Password/Password's Location (empty - no password, 'x': shadowed
password - appears in "/etc/shadow" instead)
- User ID (number)
- User's default Group ID (will be explained later)
- Real Name (some descriptive text)
- Home Directory
- Login Shell
- Historycally, passwords appeared, in encrypted format, in the
"/etc/passwd" file.
- However, since this file is world-readable (i.e. all Users on the system
can and must be able to read it), this allowed various cracking attacks.
- Thus, passwords are now stored in the file "/etc/shadow", and only the
"root" User may read this file.
- A line in this file is split into fields using the ':' character:
- User Name
- Password (in encrypted format).
- Various dates, used for account management.
/etc/shadow (Cont.)
- In order to have a User with no password, it is enough to empty the
'password' field of the User.
- Encrypted passwords cannot contain the '*' character.
- Thus, to temporarily disable an account, an easy way is to add a '*'
to the beginning of the password field.
- Groups are identified by a Group id - also a number.
- A Group may contain 0 or more Users.
- Objects in the system (Processes, Files) are attached to Users.
- All Groups are defined in the file "/etc/group".
- Except for 'default Groups', which might be implicitly defined in
- Each Group (except default Groups) should have a line in this file.
- (Yet, one can create files belonging to Groups not found in this file).
- A line in this file is split into fields using the ':' character:
- Group Name
- Password/Password's Location (normally not used, and containing
an 'x').
- Group ID (number)
- List of Users, separated by a ',' (comma) character.
Users, Groups and Files
- Every File in the system has an owner User.
- When a User creates a new File - the File is owned by this User.
- The File also has an "owner Group".
- The owner Group, Normally, is the 'default Group' of the User...
- ...Except when it is not (as will be seen later on).
The File's Owner User
- The User-owner of a file can always update the permissions of the
- ...Except when the User cannot access the directory containing the
- The User-owner of a file containing a program, might also matter when
executing (= running) the file - we will see that later.
File Access Permissions
- Each file has access permissions, defining which Users can use it.
- A directory is also a file - so it also has access permissions.
- In order to access a file, we need access to all directories containing
the file.
- e.g. to access "/etc/passwd", we need access to directory "/", directory
"/etc" and the file "/etc/passwd" itself.
File Access Permissions - Who may access?
- Access Permissions are split into 3: for the User-owner, the Group-owner
and for "others".
- If the User accessing the file is the User-owner of the file, only the
"User-owner" permissions are checked.
- Thus, a file with permissions for 'others' but no permissions for
'User-owner' - won't allow the User-owner to access it...
- ...But as we said, the User-owner may always change the permissions of
the file, so she can give herself access to the file, and then
access the file.
- A similar check is performed if the User accessing the file, belongs to
the Group-owner of the file (but is not the User-owner of the file).
File Access Permissions - permission to do what?
- Access Permissions are further split into 3: read, write and execute.
- For a file, 'read' means permission to view the contents of the file.
- 'write' means permission to modify the contents of the file.
- 'execute' means permission to execute (=run) the file, assuming it is
a program.
Directory Access Permissions - permission to do what?
- For a directory, 'read' means permission to view the list of files
in the directory.
- 'write' means permission to create new files in the directory.
- 'execute' means permission to access files in the directory.
- Thus, in order to be able to read the contents of a file, the User
must have 'execute' permission on all directories on the way to the file,
and 'read' permission on the file itself.
- For example, in order to read the file "/etc/passwd", the User must have
all of the following permissions:
- 'x' permission on directory "/"
- 'x' permission on directory "/etc"
- 'r' permission on the file "/etc/passwd" itself
Access Permission scenarios
- Let's see how, using combinations of file and directory permissions, we
achieve the following scenarios:
- Create a file, in our home directory, with 'read' access to everyone.
- Put a program file under directory "bin" in our home directory, with
permission to be executed by everyone.
- Create a file with 'read' access to a selected Group of Users.
- Create a file with 'read' access to everyone, except
a selected Group of Users.
'read' Permission To Everyone On A file
- Create a file with 'read' access to everyone, in our home directory:
- Create the file in the home directory.
- Give 'read' access to "User-owner", "Group-owner", and "Others":
chmod a+r <file_name>
(Note: 'a' is a short-hand for "all" - i.e. "User-owner",
"Group-owner" and "Others")
- Give 'x' access to our home directory, so the Users will be able to
reach for files in it:
chmod a+x ~
(Note: '~' is a short-hand for our home directory)
'execute' Permission To Everyone On A file in ~/bin
- Create a file with 'execute' access to everyone, in directory "bin" under
our home directory:
- Put the program file in the directory "bin" under our home directory.
- Give 'execute' access to "User-owner", "Group-owner",
and "Others":
chmod a+x <file_name>
- Give 'x' access to our home directory, so the Users will be able to
reach for the "bin" directory under it:
chmod a+x ~
- Give 'x' access to our "bin" directory, so the Users will be able to
reach for the program file located in it:
chmod a+x ~/bin
'read' Permission To A Selected Group Of Users, On A file
- Create a file with 'read' access to a selected Group of Users:
- Ask the system administrator to create a new Group containing this
list of Users.
Note: We must be part of the Group, in order to be allowed to
turn it into the Group-owner of the file.
- Make the new Group be the Group-owner of the file:
chgrp <group_name> <file_name>
- Give 'read' access to "Group-owner":
chmod g+r <file_name>
- make sure "others" don't have 'read' access to this file:
chmod o-r <file_name>
- Give 'x' access to our home directory, so the Users will be able to
reach for the file under it:
chmod a+x ~
- Note: if the file is in a sub-directory under our home
directory, we must give 'x' access to all the directories along
the way to this file.
'read' Permission To Everyone except a Group of Users
- Create a file with 'read' access to everyone, except
a selected Group of Users:
- Create a new Group, containing the list of 'forbidden' Users.
- Make the Group-owner of the file be this Group.
- Give 'read' permission on the file to "others", but deny this
permission from the Group-owner.
Users and Processes
- Every process running on a Linux system, executes on behalf of a
given User.
- Thus, the process may do what this User is allowed to do.
- The process may access the files that its User-owner may access...
- ...Except when it can access other files, as we will see later.
- Every process has unique process ID (= pid), which can be used to
control the process, as we will see soon.
Listing The Running Processes
Listing The Running Processes - Wider Format
Listing The Running Processes - Variations
- In order to list all processes we are running under our current
- In order to list all processes we are currently running:
ps x
- Listing all processes running on behalf of a given User:
ps -u <user_name>
- Listing all processes running on the system:
ps ax
- Listing a processes with a given pid (= process ID):
ps -p <pid>
Controlling Processes
- A User may only control processes running on behalf of this User...
- ...Except when the User is "root" - which can control any process
running on the system...
- ...Assuming this process is not stuck in a very "stuck" state.
- In order kill a process with a given pid (=process ID):
kill <pid>
- In order kill a "stubborn" process (when a normal kill fails to kill
kill -9 <pid>
- In order to temporarily suspend a given process:
kill -STOP <pid>
- In order to resume a suspended process:
kill -CONT <pid>
Special Access Permission Flags
- Other than the normal permission flags, each file has several other
special flags, with strange meanings.
- Because some of these permission flags give rather "strong" results,
they should be used with caution.
- However, we should not be tempted to delete permissions that look
redundant without fully understanding why they are set that way -
such changes could break the entire system.
The "Set User-ID" Flag
The "Set Group-ID" Flag
- The "sgid" (Set Group-ID) flag, is mostly meaningful when set for
a file containing an executable program, or for a directory.
- When set for a file, it means that when a User runs this file, the
launched process will have the permissions of the Group-owner of the
file, rather than the permissions of the default-Group of the User
running the program.
- When set for a directory, it means that new files created in this
directory, will belong to the Group-owner of this directory, rather
then to the default-Group of the User creating them.
Symbolic Links
- Linux allows creating a file, which is actually a link to another
file (or directory).
- Such a file is called "symbolic link".
- Symbolic links can be used for:
- Creating a short-cut for a file with a long path.
- giving a program the impression that it can find a file in one location,
even if the file is found in a different location.
- Amaze your friends or bewilder them.
A Symbolic Link Example
Symbolic Links Semantics
- When "reading" a symbolic link, we actually read the contents of the
actual file the link points to.
- When there is a symbolic link to a directory, and we
cd into it, we actually switch into the directory
the link points to.
- If we then cd .., we switch into the directory
containing the linked directory, rather than into the directory
containing the symbolic link.
Permissions And Symbolic Links
What We Did NOT Cover Today
- Device Files - will be discussed during the
next lecture (installing device drivers).
- Hard Links - when two files are actually the same
- Communications Files - sockets, named pipes.
Google for them all on your spare time...
Originally written by
guy keren