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Requirements and Decisions (As Specified by LANL)
Starting point: the current status of netboot on PCs
- netboot has been available on Suns for more than 15 years
- on PCs, BIOS and PROM must be in 16-bit mode - 8086 (6MHz, 25 years old CPU) emulation, all sorts of weird stuff such as near and far pointers, etc
- standards: NIC boot model has to conform to NDIS2 (16-bit Windows model), thanks to Microsoft and Intel
- load something onto CPU that can load boot parameters over network, find out what to do, and load an OS kernel
- open source ג nothing proprietary
- portable: no (or minimal) assembly, support a variety of NICs, motherboards
- avoid reinventing the wheel ג try to use code that supports lots of hardware etc
- support standard protocols ג NFS, bootp, etc
Write netboot from scratch or use a minimal Linux kernel?
- custom netboot will duplicate OS (Sun netboot ג no support for AFS, msdos, etc)
- no real space savings (netboot ג 128K, minimal Linux ג 300K)