[Haifux] Haifux: Call for speakers

Eli Billauer eli at billauer.co.il
Sun Jan 12 01:10:38 IST 2014

Hello all,

Haifux' next slots for lectures are currently vacant. So if YOU have a 
subject you'd like to talk about, whether

* you have something interesting to share, or
* you'd like to present a project or thesis, and possibly get some new 
insights, or
* you'd like to learn some topic, and want a framework and firm deadline 
for that, or
* you have a lecture prepared for some other event, but would like to 
run it before a friendly audience first, or
* there's is some other reason you'd like to hold a lecture at Haifux

please send a note to Haifux' nannies at webmaster at haifux.org or suggest 
your talk on this mailing list. The latter makes sense if you'd like to 
get some idea about the level of interest.

Thanks in advance,

Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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