[Haifux] [JOB OFFER] VB Developer needed in Univ. of Haifa

Oron Peled oron at actcom.co.il
Mon Jul 8 20:47:20 MSD 2013

On Monday 08 July 2013 15:42:43 Orr Dunkelman wrote:
> The department of political science at university of Haifa is looking for a
> VB developer (yes, not really FOSS-related, but it's in Haifa) for an
> interesting project.

VB as in "Virtually-Broken" -- no?

[couldn't resist]

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
oron at actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
"write your own operating system.  It has worked every time for me"
           -- Linus Thorvalds

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