[Haifux] [HAIFUX LECTURE] You & The Biometric Database -- Jonathan J. Klinger

Eli Billauer eli at billauer.co.il
Sat Aug 31 20:38:50 MSD 2013

On Monday, September 2nd at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear a talk by 
Jonathan J. Klinger:

    You & The Biometric Database


NOTE: Due to the somewhat volatile situation in the region, please check 
the "Next Meeting" section on http://haifux.org/ just before leaving 
home for this meeting.



In this talk, I shall discuss the use of biometrics for personal 
identification by governmental authorities: The establishment of 
biometric databases and the use of biometrics as unique identifiers 
against state actors and other establishments. My main hypothesis is 
that the use of biometrics is an apparatus for control that was first 
used on inmates, criminals and other risk groups, then conveyed to 
immigrants and other weak points in society. After this was concluded, 
then the application on the entire population was imminent.

I shall use Israel as a case study for this research. Israel has a vast 
census, which is quite different from other states and results from its 
history. Since the 1990s, the ideas of applying a central database was 
introduced to Israel, where it began by collecting DNA and Biometrics 
from prisoners and suspects, then to immigrants workers, and from 2009, 
a pilot relating to the entire population was enacted, which will soon 
commence a pilot.

The other thread of my hypothesis is the informatication of the person, 
by identifying him as no more than a record in a database, the person 
becomes no more than a number, and is treated as such.


We meet in Taub building, room 6. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!

Future lectures:

16/09/13 This slot can be YOURS
30/09/13 Haifa-Sec: Software Defined Networking: Guy Edri


We are always interested in hearing your talks and ideas. If you wish to 
give a talk, hold a discussion, or just plan some event haifux might be 
interested in, please contact us at webmaster at haifux.org

Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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