[Haifux] OT: Open CVS/SVN servers

Maxim Kovgan kovganm at gmail.com
Thu May 10 21:50:52 MSD 2012

There are many ways to make server reliant software to be less server
But this is you, trying to implement a non-server-reliant software by hand.
IF you're coming to that, ... IMHO it is reinventing of the wheel.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Daniel Shahaf <d.s at daniel.shahaf.name>wrote:

> Nadav Har'El wrote on Thu, May 10, 2012 at 17:08:36 +0300:
> > * When you don't trust the server - and fear one day it will disappear
> >   or even become malicious (trying to fake the content of the files or
> >   their history), git is better because each person will have his own
> complete
> >   copy of the history.
> When you don't trust a server, and the server uses svn, you can keep an
> svnsync mirror of it at a location under your control.
> svnsync transfers new revisions as binary diffs against past revisions;
> past revisions are immutable.

Maxim Kovgan
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