[Haifux] [HAIFUX LECTURE] "Disk" storage media by Guy Keren

Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda ladypine at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 00:18:03 MSD 2012

Thanks to Guy who gave the talk and allowed releasing it, Michael Vasiliev
who recorded it, and Lior Kaplan who uploaded it to hamakor's server, all
those who missed the talk can now listen to it:


Hopefully, we might also have a video of this talk.

Thanks, guys!

On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda
<ladypine at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello to the lucky future attending,
> Can anybody voice-record the talk?
> Thanks
> Orna
> On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 9:18 PM, Eli Billauer <eli at billauer.co.il> wrote:
>> On Monday, June 11th at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear a talk by Guy
>> Keren:
>>   "Disk" storage media - state of the art in the enterprise world
>> Abstract
>> This is a:
>> 1. very detailed-oriented talk.
>> 2. no prior knowledge required.
>> 3. not specific to linux.
>> 4. not useful for home users - it all concentrates on enterprise systems.
>> 5. second-hand knowledge (i.e. a lot of "someone told me" and "i heard
>> that..." claims will be involved).
>> 6. not going to talk about the internals of SSDs - but rather on their
>> machine interfaces.
>> 7. will cover hard disks, SSDs (Solid-State Disks) and the way they
>> are/will be used in enterprise computing environments.
>> ==============================**==============================**=====
>> We meet in Taub building, room 6. For instructions see:
>> http://www.haifux.org/where.**html <http://www.haifux.org/where.html>
>> Attendance is free, and you are all invited!
>> ==============================**==============================**======
>> Future lectures:
>> 25/06/12 Git for solo projects too: Eli Billauer
>> 09/07/12 Hebmorph: Itamar Syn-Hershko
>> ==============================**==============================**======
>> We are always interested in hearing your talks and ideas. If you wish to
>> give a talk, hold a discussion, or just plan some event haifux might be
>> interested in, please contact us at webmaster at haifux.org
>> --
>> Web: http://www.billauer.co.il
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> Haifux mailing list
>> Haifux at haifux.org
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> --
> Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda.
> http://ladypine.org

Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda.
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