[Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

Shahar Dag dag at cs.technion.ac.il
Tue Apr 27 16:06:03 MSD 2010


I disagree with the suggestion to hide the browser we use.

If I, as a web muster that works with IE will get some complain, I will 
check it in IE.

As a result I will find it a false complain and I will be angry with the 
dumb user.

On the other end if he would mention FireFox I will check it with IE & with 
FireFox and at list verify the problem


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at gmail.com>
To: "Eli Billauer" <eli at billauer.co.il>
Cc: "Haifux" <haifux at haifux.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

> On 26 April 2010 23:50, Eli Billauer <eli at billauer.co.il> wrote:
>> Orr Dunkelman wrote:
>>> history shows that people approached
>>> webmasters as individuals, and usually it did not succeed. Maybe
>>> trying as a group would have a better effect.
>> Since the event is now over, I'd like to share my opinion about the
>> whole web compatibility issue: In short, I think it's a waste of energy.
>> Not because it's hopeless, but because it's a war to be won with or
>> without the FOSS community in it.
>> In the past, non-IE users were mainly Linux users and otherwise geeks. I
>> don't justify those who ignored complaints from us, but I can understand
>> them. Such a complaint necessarily meant that the person complaining
>> knows how to solve his or her problem (that is, install Windows and IE)
>> but chooses not to. The fact that the site is defective is bad, but if
>> it harms a very small group with some weird ideology about software. In
>> particular, if the complaint included terms such as W3C, it's evident
>> that it's about ideology and not getting access to the site.
> Well said. This is why we should never mention "linux" or "firefox"
> when complaining. Just say that the site does not work. Let them ask
> what broswer if they want. This has several advantages:
> 1) It makes "linux" or "firefox" users seem more like mainstream
> users, nothing special about them.
> 2) It makes the complain look less like a zealot and more like a lost
> potential user.
> 3) It increases contact with them (more messages back and forth), so
> the incident stands out more.
> -- 
> Dotan Cohen
> http://bido.com
> http://what-is-what.com
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