[Haifux] Who will come to a lecture about profile guided optimization in GCC?

Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda ladypine at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 17:26:03 MSD 2009

Me too. (the one case where a "me too" reply is not out of place...

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Tal Abir <tal.abir at gmail.com> wrote:

> I will come.
> 2009/6/2 Shachar Shemesh <shachar at shemesh.biz>
>>  Hi all,
>> I know this approach is extremely non standard, and that Haifux is a club
>> with "no registration required" attendance. I've been asked by some of the
>> Haifux admins to give the lecture I'm about to give this Thursday at
>> Herzelinux also at Haifux (August 10th is shaping out to be the date). I
>> will gladly do so, but......
>> Giving a Haifux lecture requires some effort on my part. Aside from
>> everything else, this requires getting out of work at about 4 pm and drive
>> to Haifa, as well as drive back after a day in which I both worked and drove
>> and gave a lecture.
>> All this I will gladly do, and enjoy it, except for one problem. More
>> often then not, there are only about five people present to actually hear
>> the lecture. It seems to be a lot of effort to achieve not much effect.
>> I, on my part, am more than willing to leave work early, drive both
>> direction and give the lecture, but you have to do one thing in return. Show
>> up.
>> So I am asking this publicly. Assuming I do give a lecture on profile
>> guided optimization on August 10th, how many people intend to get out of
>> whatever important other stuff they usually do and show up? Quite frankly,
>> if it's about talking to an almost empty room, I don't think I'll bother.
>> Also, please note that if 20 people say "yes", and then I show up and
>> there are only five people present, I will have to seriously consider
>> whether I want to ever make the effort again, so please only say "yes" if
>> you truly think you will actually be there.
>> Again, I know this is extremely unorthodox, but I have been extremely busy
>> of late, and while I love donating my time to pro-bono FOSS activities, I
>> would like to know that someone is actually enjoying the fruits of my labor.
>> If the show of hands is not significant, I would suggest that those people
>> who are interested in hearing the lecture try to arrive to Herzelia this
>> Thursday at 6:30pm. I know, it's a long drive, it requires leaving work
>> early, and it means there is a long drive home afterwards. I know how it
>> feels.
>> Shachar
>> --
>> Shachar Shemesh
>> Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.http://www.lingnu.com
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