[Haifux] Haifux Digest, Vol 17, Issue 15

Sorana Fraier sf10095 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 14:37:43 MSK 2009

I suggested my help regarding VirtaulBox because one of the students
mentioned it here. If I missed the correct thread, please accept my apology.

I can help in other things as well.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Yossi Gil <yossi.gil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorana,
> I am not sure what you mean by VirtualBox. So many messages are going on in
> this list, so I may have missed something.
> If this is what I thought it was, then I would like to make one thing
> clear: I will not allow Windows to be run on the machines we have in the
> lab. This is not so much because I hate Windows. (I do not, I like it, and I
> think it has its place.) It is just that we are working with Microsoft to
> make a donation of hardware for running Windows - with remote logins from
> the Linux machines for those special cases you need windows. Installing a
> virtual windows machine will defy these efforts.
> Yossi
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Sorana Fraier <sf10095 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> As I already promised to Schahar, I am willing to help. I can help with
>> VirtualBox.
>> VirtualBox has 2 versions 1, open source and another binary. The binary
>> has an advantage that it supports usb, while the other doesn't.
>> I am happily using VirtualBox-bin on my laptop and I know all the ins and
>> outs.
>> I suggest to install VirtualBox-bin. Vmware, I tried a couple of times and
>> wasn't satisfied so much, but that may be due to unusual things that I
>> needed to do. The installation of Vmware is a little bit more complicated
>> and annoying.
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