[Haifux] Student complaints.
Ohad Lutzky
ohad at lutzky.net
Mon Feb 2 16:36:48 MSK 2009
Point of information: VLC can, in fact, play the Technion videos, and
is configured properly to do this at the lab. Ask the advisor
(Tzafrir, last I checked) about this.
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 3. If they choose to use the same OS at home, they can get it absolutely
>> free. Last time I checked, students always complain about the lack of
>> money - so I find it hard to understand their desire to pay for Windows
>> and the outrageously-expensive MS-Office.
> The Technion already bought all the students MS Windows, Office, and
> other software. So price is not an issue. Furthermore, piracy is the
> norm at the Technion and in Israel in general. Sorry, Linux cannot
> compete on price when Windows is essentially free. Worse, students ask
> why should they use 'free' when 'expensive' is available for the same
> price.
> You don't need to lecture me about the reasons, I know them well, but
> I am telling you what you are up against.
>> 4. A typical Linux system has a much bigger variety of software than Windows,
>> simply because on Windows every piece of commercial software (which is
>> the type of software these students are wishing for) costs money.
>> In a software development lab, most likely nobody will purchase software
>> for photo editing, for OCR, for PDF encoding, for speech synthesis, or
>> who knows what a student might need for his or her project or personal
>> interests. On Linux, all of these things come (depending on how/what
>> you installed) already with your OS, absolutely free.
> Linux has a broader selection of software, but it is the _wrong_
> software. My faculty (mechanical engineering) insists upon sending us
> DOC files that do not display properly in OOo. There is no viable CAD
> software for Linux. No Linux video player can play the Technion's
> video lecture files. Shall I go on?
> I only have Ubuntu on my personal computers. That means that for all
> intents and purposes, I have no computer at all. I am stuck in the
> Technion computer farms at 3 am waiting for the Arabs to finish their
> C homework (the Turbo C version, mind you, not GCC compatible) or
> watch their lectures, or read their mail. But one good thing comes out
> of this: I see that the Arab students, the only students other than us
> Linux users who don't seem to have their own computers, are the most
> serious students at the Technion. They work hard and they work late. I
> learned a few things about study discipline from them.
> --
> Dotan Cohen
> http://what-is-what.com
> http://gibberish.co.il
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> ا-ب-ت-ث-ج-ح-خ-د-ذ-ر-ز-س-ش-ص-ض-ط-ظ-ع-غ-ف-ق-ك-ل-م-ن-ه-و-ي
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> а-б-в-г-д-е-ё-ж-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-т-у-ф-х-ц-ч-ш-щ-ъ-ы-ь-э-ю-я
> ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü
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Ohad Lutzky
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