[Haifux] GIMP workshop(s): Any interest?

Oron Peled oron at actcom.co.il
Fri Sep 12 17:20:37 MSD 2008

On Thursday, 11 בSeptember 2008, Eli Billauer wrote:
> I'm sure that most of you are aware of the existence of GIMP (The GNU 
> Image Manipulation Program) which is the free software's answer to 
> Photoshop (and for once, not an attempt to clone it).
> ...
> The intention is to leave the complicated effects out, and focus on how 
> to import 20 images in a second, paint the whole screen with one color 
> in much less, and a lot of playing with layers. Etcetera.

 * Great idea. I hope I would be able to attend.

 * Also -- "Meet The Gimp":
   - Site URL -- http://meetthegimp.org/
   - Videocast link -- http://feeds.feedburner.com/meetthegimp

   It's a series of video lectures (current is #60) showing various
   tasks with gimp. The author is German so his English is very
   easy to understand (unlike somebody from e.g: Texas.)

 * For videocasts, one of the best tools is Miro (previously
   Democracy Player):
   - For people on that other OS: http://www.getmiro.com/
   - People on sane OS's:
         yum install miro
         apt-get install miro
         emerge something?


Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
oron at actcom.co.il                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
"The speed of light really is too slow nowdays." -- Alan Cox 

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