Topics for the Command Line Lecture for Newbies

Part 1: Command Line

  1. Opening a terminal. (The Terminal Icon on KDE)
  2. Exiting from a terminal. (exit or the X button)
  3. The Command Loop
  4. cd
  5. pwd
  6. ls
  7. mkdir
  8. cp
  9. mv
  10. rm
  11. wildcards and their use (*, ?, [ ])
  12. less/more
    1. Quitting with q
    2. Next Page with space/Page-Down
    3. Previous Page with b/Page-Up
    4. To the end with >
    5. To the beginning with <
    6. One line down with Down-Arrow/j
    7. One line up with Up-Arrow/k
    8. Moving Sideways: Right-Arrow/Left-Arrow
    9. Searching with / (forward) and ? (backward)
  13. kdehelp
  14. man
  15. makewhatis + apropos
  16. The "--help" and "-h" switches.
  17. find
  18. Piping:
  19. Shell Goodies:

Part 2: Job Control / Interaction With X

  1. Ctrl+Z
  2. Ctrl+C
  3. &
  4. bg

Part 3: vi

  1. Invoking vi (vi/vim/gvim)
  2. Exiting (:q and :q!)
  3. Saving the file (:w)
  4. Moving around:
  5. Adding text (i/a) and getting back to command mode (ESC)
  6. Deleting text:
  7. Advanced movement commands:
  8. Getting help: (:help)

References and Links - - -