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GIMP tutorial workshop meeting - Eli Billauer

GIMP is the most well-known image editing application among Linux users, and still most of us struggle when attempting to accomplish the simplest real-life task with it. The application is considered a Photoshop parallel, even though it doesn't attempt to imitate the latter. It's a free software project, available at no cost for GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and many others.

The workshop will consist of no slides, but some simple whiteboard explanations and a lot of demonstrations. Focus will be given to basic issues and everyday tasks, and those small pieces of knowledge which makes GIMP a handy tool. The meeting has an agenda to start with, but will be conducted in a free manner, so audience's interests may influence its content to a large extent.

This workshop will be dedicated to layers and layer masks for three main reasons:

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